Rouleaux Pack is located in Boën-sur-Lignon, where it has its factory and offices.
Leader on its market in France, the company is also a key player abroad, with exports to 76 countries accounting for 30% of its turnover.

Made in
Rouleaux Pack is located in Boën-sur-Lignon, in the French region of Auvergne Rhônes-Alpes, mid-way between St-Étienne, Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand. Its premises, including its factory and offices, extend over 12,000 sqm. An expert manufacturer of handling rollers since 1958, Rouleaux Pack is the leader on the French market while it exports 30% of its production to over 76 countries.
Rouleaux Pack‘s know-how is firmly anchored in local industrial tradition in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. The company wishes to continue its development whilst keeping 100% of its production in France, more specifically in this historic industrial area. Rouleaux Pack is a dynamic contributor to the local economy, choosing suppliers and subcontractors in the region whenever it can. The company also recruits locally and trains its own workforce (apprenticeships, sandwich course students, work placements, etc.).