At Rouleaux Pack, innovation is considered as a means of responding to customer issues, however complex they may be. Whether it is to create new handling rollers or improve existing ones, Rouleaux Pack always endeavours to design products that meet its recognised standards of reliability and durability.

Innovation &
Rouleaux Pack maintains close relations with its customers, accompanying and supporting them in their use of its handling rollers. This service-based approach enables the company to guarantee its customers performance and reliability.
Rouleaux Pack has also specialised in the production of custom handling rollers to provide answers to specific customer issues and meet the most demanding of requirements.
At Rouleaux Pack, innovation means designing new products and the company is particularly focused on new market expectations, and in particular Industry 4.0.

Reliability &
Every handling roller has to meet 2 essential criteria: reliability and durability. It is by these 2 indicators that the quality of a roller is judged.